Welcome to HEXAGON-ESM Ltd.

Hexagon-ESM specialises in providing Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD) training as well as advisory services to National and International Defense, including Police and Commercial organizations. IED training, EOD Training, Equipment, IED Training Aids and more covered in our services.

What we provide to our customers


Our Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) solutions ensure the safe identification and disposal of explosive hazards. The quality of our EOD training is backed by years of experience of former and serving British Army EOD Operators and Instructors, all having served in key appointments in both 11 EOD & Search Regiment and DEMS training Regiment.


Our Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) solutions develop EOD operators helping them detect and neutralize improvised explosive devices (IED’s). The quality of our IED training is backed by years of experience of former and serving British Army EOD Operators and Instructors, all having served in key appointments in both 11 EOD & Search Regiment and DEMS training Regiment.


Our IED training aids facilitate realistic and effective hands-on training in countering explosive threats. We empower you to train as you fight with realistic and up-to-date devices designed to replicate IED’s encountered in both non and permissive environments. Our IED Training aids are designed to test and hone the skills of any EOD operator.


Hexagon-ESM can provide assurance to the national and international security sector by promoting both dialogue, and providing specialist consultancy services. Our capability-development training is based on the UK’s extensive experience of counter terrorism operations and providing Homeland Security.


Our passionate approach to education, coaching and mentoring is strongly embedded in all our instructors. With years of experience in training British EOD Operators detect and neutralize improvised explosive devices (IED) for both Military Aid to the Civil Authority (MACA) as well as Operational Deployments to non permissive environments.

IED Training, EOD Training, EOD Equipment


Our EOD equipment is specifically selected for its quality and effectiveness. We aim to maximise utility whilst minimising burden. This is based on countless hours of practical experience on operations and within the training sphere. Get the best “bang for buck” whilst ensuring your efforts are not wasted by a plan falling short due to equipment failure.

What we stand for

At Hexagon Explosive Safety Management (ESM), our core values form the foundation of our commitment to excellence. With a team of passionate service leavers from the UK Armed Forces, we bring unparalleled expertise in countering the explosive ordnance threat. Our dedication ensures that we deliver world-class solutions to protect lives and secure environments.

What our customers say

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